Southwest Equity Coalition

Together We Thrive!

Southwest Equity Coalition​

The Southwest Corridor Equity Coalition (SWEC) is a community-centered, coordinated effort between community organizations, residents, businesses, philanthropic partners, and state and local government bodies. The Coalition formation stemmed from the Southwest Equitable Development Strategy (SWEDS) convened as part of planning for transit and light rail improvements along the Southwest Corridor.

The size and impact of SWEC have grown significantly as more members (individuals and organizations) realize the need to be part of the Coalition, given the racial disparities, economic inequity and displacement risks in the SW Corridor which require urgent collective actions. In line with SWEDS vision for a livable, affordable, economically thriving community with reliable and safe transportation options for every resident and commuter.

SWEC has the mandate to ensure that the residents of the Southwest Corridor have access to the opportunities that the light rail project will bring and concurrently address the impact associated with this major infrastructure investment.

SWEC Goals

  1. Advocate for and to resource equitable development practices in the SW Corridor.
  2. Disrupt inequity by ensuring racial equity commitments are resourced.
  3. Expand the breadth and depth of influence among the affected communities.
  4. Preserve and expand affordable housing to protect households against displacement.
  5. Advance economic opportunity for all and build community capacity for wealth creation.
  6. Promote transportation mobility and connectivity.
  7. Ensure decision-making bodies are held accountable by Coalition members and their partners.

Equity Commitment

  • Prioritize racial equity 
  • Implement community-centered decision-making processes
  • Ensure the affordable housing needs of the community are met
  • Create a clear path for the community to participate
  • Strive to prevent any involuntary residential or business displacement 
  • Uphold transparency 
  • Invest in leadership development

SWEC Structure

SWEC Newsletter

* indicates required

Copyright © 2022 Southwest Corridor Equity Coalition